This year's second version, 2023.R2, will showcase a number of new features and updates as SpinifexIT continuously enhances all of its solutions.
All the key changes for this version are summarized in the sections below, with some enhancements individually documented in the Help Center for more details.
If you wish to upgrade or participate in the Pilot program, please contact your Customer Care team so that they can provide the necessary transports.
General Items
Ability to add multiple Input Files under the Data Import Options, useful as well for Easy Go Live business case usage
Extended Easy Reporter Internal storage area functionality:
- Enabling security feature to avoid unauthorized file access or files to be overwritten
- Ability to output a file to the SpinifexIT file storage area and create files directly from an Easy Reporter report
XLSX file format export now displays cell colors reflecting the report’s cell color format
Ability to generate a unique Background variant for report scheduling (without running the background variant via Wizard)
File output now has the ability to call a function module or a user exit and pass file to it complete further file processing
Integration Ability Enhancements
PowerBI Connections
- Availability of a second OData Call and a new Data API built in the SICF (HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance)
- Filter functionality improvements e.g., additional entity filters with 'Selection' prefix, variant updated with filter values and filterable SuccessFactors fields
SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) Connections
- Allows users to select to send a file to CPI
- Ability to leverage off CPI to send Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) file
PowerBI Connections
Auditability of Menu items management for better auditing of the use of Easy Reporter
- A new pre-delivered report: Menu Items Action Log to enable the reporting of menu actions-auditing entries
Improved infotype update functionality - includes uploading secondary infotype data alongside main infotype data via new Connected Infotype setting
Updated Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Pre Delivered Reports (Australia)
New Column Duplication Settings option, Create New Column for each matching column selection, for enabling Payroll Columns duplications per wagetype when using Decluster functionality
New fields / tables / infotypes and clusters
Report on new fields for the following Infotypes:
- 0058 Commuter Rate A
- 2001 Absences > Other Absence Fields
- 3445 HR Master Record
New payroll cluster table fields for Australia
- Superannuation - Monthly
- Superannuation - Quarterly
New folder for German Payroll pre-delivered reports
Addition of table T5D0P - Plant/Personnel Subarea (D) folder under Country Configuration Data (Germany)
SuccessFactors Integration
New Read data based on a date column on the report setting for SAP Direct SuccessFactors fields as a method for reading data based on specific dates
Ability to include previously generated fields from SuccessFactors and custom tables in a transport at any moment after saving
Easy Reporter Web
Design updates to enhance user experience and streamline navigation:
- Users now have the ability to set the default display tab for Easy Reporter Web through the Default Tab to Initially Display drop-down in Easy Reporter SAP GUI
- Availability of Value Help button in Advanced selection input fields, enhancing the precision of data selection
- New design of Side Tab for Execution Options, Modify Output and Select a Variant sections
- Improved Select a Variant view within the side panel with added search functionality and indicator feature
- Addition of badge counter to the Saved Results tab, providing a visual indicator of the number of saved results
Report Execution and Access Improvements
- Option to execute in WebGUI reports configured with Exception and Report Storage
- Quicker access to original selection options used upon loading Background results
- A new action button, Execute Background (Schedule), enabling scheduled report background execution
Result Presentation Updates and Optimizations
- New report settings to handle loading result behavior, allowing users to switch lazy loading on or off and specify the number of entries to be processed once lazy loading is activated
- Improved sort and filter functionality at the web level with faster data loading
- Ability to hide specific columns in the result display, enhancing the customization of displayed data
- Column color formatting applied in Easy Reporter now reflects in Easy Reporter Web, allowing users to visually distinguish specific data points more effectively
- Grand total of executed reports with subtotal is now presented at the top row for a more consistent presentation
Check Easy Reporter's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Reporter's 2023.R2 Release Highlights here >>>
Availability of a new setting for Manage Configuration service for generating and configuring Validation Rules KPI and Root Cause Analytics, making Easy PCC compatible with the newer version of PCC
Enabled Job Split functionality for Validation Rules reports as well as reports that are set up in a Payroll Process Step
Ability to call SuccessFactors for Payroll Control Center (PCC) through the new Success Factors URL For Employee Central field in Easy Reporter
Check Easy Payroll Control Center's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Payroll Control Center's Release Highlights here >>>
General Items
New Refresh Employee List based on Employee Selections setting to refresh the employee list based on employee movements such as hiring, termination, etc.
Availability of automatic Easy Clone audit log tables cleanup, optimizing storage usage and maintaining system performance
SuccessFactors Integration
Ability to clone the following Time Account data:
- Approved or pending leaves
- Absences not linked to a Time Account
Audit Log improvements in line with handling numerous logs produced by bulk cloning of Employee Central data:
- Audit Sequence Number now visible
- New Consolidate Employee Central Logs button
- New screen for consolidated reports
Entity-specific filters are now pre-delivered to ensure accurate data handling
Integration of OAuth 2.0 settings into the Integration Check functionality
Ability to clone employees in Employee Central based on User ID or Person ID that will be different from the new Personnel number through these new settings:
- Generate new User ID checkbox
- Mapping for Lookup Field with options: User ID or Person ID
- New SF_USERID filter method from the Entity Group
Implementation of a Delta copy and Time slicing copy based on date range input for Easy Clone for Employee Central
New Use MDF External Code picklist setting for switching between the picklist field to use for processing
Ability to automatically clone manager records/sequence records to prevent errors caused by manager records during the cloning process
Check Easy Clone's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Clone's 2023.R2 Release Highlights here >>>
Flexible Configuration Limitation - Introduced the ability to select specific items (e.g., Personnel Areas, Company Codes, Wagetypes, etc.) to be excluded from the copy, providing flexibility to tailor fit limitations based on your unique requirements, enhancing the control over your configurations copy
Enhanced employee-copy limitation to restrict users who do not have full access from copying more than 200 employees per month
Ability to track exactly what settings were used when the copy was performed, allowing further diagnosis if specific items were not copied and highlight exactly what was selected to be copied to the new environment
Client Builder Enhancements
Improved processing of large tables in Client Builder
- Revisited and optimized the handling of large table copies, allowing users to copy even the extensive datasets without compromising performance or accuracy
- Fine-tuned preview so that table contents can be viewed in smaller components
For Client Builder audit copies, a new checkbox option is now available to alternatively show the audit log in the format of the IMG (Configuration Implementation Guide)
- Schema and Rules renaming especially customer specific ones - a new functionality that is helpful when merging multiple systems together and, organizing and managing rules or schemas
Check Easy Migration's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Migration's 2023.R2 Release Highlights Release here >>>
Enhancements aimed to extend the functionality for infotype update
- Allowing updates of infotype contents when an infotype already exists especially when performing multiple modifications
- Managing secondary infotypes, such as adding data from both infotypes at the same time, becomes more intuitive and efficient through the Connected Infotype feature
A range of updates and improvements to the Easy Go Live Parallel Run (SAP to S4/ECP System Migration)
- A new setting to add another button for making a Remote Easy Help Desk call for a ‘Do Not Compare’ type of report
- Ability to handle how Linked Report results are called from - Current System only, RFC (remote system) only, or Both Current and RFC
- Description changes on screen and relocation of Heading Override text input to a more convenient location
Additions in the Easy Update Scenario Setup Screen
- Picklist values search help to display all valid values for specific columns
- Availability of Exclude checkbox option to completely remove a field from the API Update to SuccessFactors
Enhanced Security for Employee Data - Added security check to prevent unathorised users from viewing comparison run results performed by others
Check Easy Go Live's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Go Live's 2023.R2 Release Highlights Release here >>>
Enabled Archived Payroll Results in Easy Helpdesk with new menu items:
- Payroll Results (Archived) menu in the Main screen
- Menu Items for Payroll Results (Archived) menu in the Menu Maintenance screen
Additional menu items under Menu Items for Payroll Results (Archived)
- Payroll Query
- Advance Query
Inclusion of the following menu items under the Menu Items for Test Payroll Results folder for all countries
- Retro Explanation
- Payroll Posting - Sim Docs
Note: This is only for non-Concurrent Employment and/or non-Multiple Employment at the moment.
Check Easy Help Desk's Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Help Desk's 2023.R2 Release Highlights here >>>
- Implementation of CKEditor to enable modification of text contents Easy Documents in WebGUI (full ED compatibility with WebGUI)
Check Easy Documents' Release Notes here >>>
Check Easy Documents' 2023.R2 Release Highlights here >>>
Learn more updates on other products:
Linked below are the Pre-Release Notes for the following solutions:
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